
Some Other Nerd...

As time has gone on, it's been surprising to me how one of the biggest constants in my life has been my love of technology. As a very young child I remember playing games on my Dad's computer. I remember being jealous of my friends that had video game consoles and portable video games. I remember the first phone I got, and how I instantly started looking that nicest, fanciest phones out there. I remember sneaking onto to spec out my dream laptop (with a floppy drive, a CD-Rom drive, AND two ExpressCard slots). I did that when I supposed to be working on my schoolwork. Which we did on the internet. I remember my Dad struggling to maintain his home network. I remember him explaining the basics of computer networking to me and my brother. I remember him teaching us the basics of computer programming. I remember how thrilled I was to get my first smart phone, and then completely under-utilizing it, while at the same time expecting far too much out of it.